Event Archives

June 20, 2024
FTL Forum Summer Social

May 16, 2024
"Broward County Mental Health and our Criminal Justice System. Are the Defendants Criminals or Patients?"

April 18, 2024
No Forum in April

March 21, 2024
Florida Panthers Public-Private Partnership, Baptist Health IcePlex & War Memorial Auditorium at Holiday Park

February 15, 2024
"How is the City Developing with Sustainable Growth in Mind?"

January 18, 2024
Fort Lauderdale Forum Program - Meet the New Police Chief and Fire Chief - "Managing Public Safety"

December 12, 2023
Fort Lauderdale Forum Annual Holiday Social

October 19, 2023
Beach Development Reaches New Levels!

September 21, 2023
Full Steam Ahead: How Port Everglades Navigates through Changes

August 3, 2023
Fort Lauderdale Forum Summer Happy Hour August 3rd

Older Past Programs

November 28, 2018
“Rising to the Challenge: Adapting to Sea Level Rise”


October 24, 2018
“Broward County’s Penny Sales Tax Proposal for Transportation Improvements”


September 26, 2018
“The Homeless Issues”


June 20, 2018
“Forum Summer Social!”


May 23, 2018
“A Look Back on Progress and Lessons Learned”
Former Mayor John P. “Jack” Seiler


April 25, 2018
“Sober Homes in Your Neighborhood. Can They Impact You?”


March 28, 2018
“Will Your City Lose Its’ Power To The State?”


February 28, 2018
“Fort Lauderdale Candidates Forum – Mayor & Commission”


January 24, 2018
“The WAVE”




December 5, 2017
“Holiday Social”


November 15, 2017
“Meet The Candidates Forum”


*October 20, 2017
*rescheduled from September due to Hurricane Irma
“The Opiod Epidemic & The Impact Upon Our Community”


June 28, 2017
“Summer Social!”


May 31, 2017
“State of the City”


April 26, 2017
“The Florida Connection to 9/11”


March 29, 2017
“Latest Update: Expansion of the Broward County Convention Center”


February 22, 2017
“Understanding the Property Tax Puzzle”


January 25, 2017
“Heath Care in South Florida – Is My Doctor In The Network?”




December 7, 2016
“Holiday Social!” (in lieu of December meeting)


November 16, 2016
“Sea Level Rising – Should Broward Be Concerned?”


October 26, 2016
“Penny Sales Tax: Is It Right for Broward?”


April 27, 2016
“The Authors Forum”
Moderator:Kingsley Guy
Authors: Brian Bandell, “Famous After Death”
Tammy Lee Dwyer, “The Christmas Pickle Tradition”
Beverly “Bev” Johns, “Secrets of the Teachers’ Lounge”
Focus: Authors share the book-writing process and the unusual experiences and lessons they’ve learned while writing.


March 27, 2016
“Enhancing Police Community Relations”
Speakers:Scott Israel, Broward County Sheriff
Frank Adderley, Fort Lauderdale Police Chief
Dwayne Flournoy, Hallandale Police Chief
Linda Wood, Broward College Dean of Public Safety
Focus: Bringing together our ‘Top Cops’ for an outstanding program on the new challenges faced by police in terms of threats and in terms of the changing demographics of our communities.




May 27
“State of the City”
Speakers: Lee Feldman, City of Fort Lauderdale Manager &
Jack Seiler, City of Fort Lauderdale Mayor
Focus: An assessment of the 2014 day-to-day operations related to running the city government and a preview of the mayor’s legislative proposals and policy directions for the upcoming year.


April 22
“Burning Issues”
Speaker: Charles Caulkins, Chairman, Broward Workshop
Focus: Discussion of some of the most challenging topical issues facing
Fort Lauderdale today.


March 25
“County – City Synergies”
Focus: How to fuel, and the benefits of, successful collaboration across
city and organizational boundaries.
Speaker: Mike Moore, Chairman of the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance,
Managing Director at COI Access.


February 25
“Who’s Visiting Fort Lauderdale? Who’s Profiting and Who’s Not?”
How do we stack up when it comes to Greater Fort Lauderdale as a venue for conventions, trade shows, and consumer shows?
Speaker: Carlos Molinet, Senior Vice President
Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau


January 28
“Annual Fort Lauderdale Forum Crystal Ball Program”
Entrepreneurship: Emerging Trends and Challenges for the 21st Century
Speaking on Entrepreneurship:
Florida Senator Jeremy Ring
Tom Tworoger D.B.A. chair of the Entrepreneurship Department
Nova Southeastern University.




November 19
“Journalism: Dead, Dying, or Just Faking?”
Moderators: Gene Cryer & Earl Maucker
Speaker: Diane H. McFarlin, University of Florida
Dean of College of Journalism and Communications


October 22
“Politics – Who Cares? Who votes and who they vote for”
Speaker: Dr. Brenda C. Snipes, Broward County Supervisor of Elections


September 24
“Local Transportation Issues: Responsible Investments or Unsustainable Luxuries?”
Moderator: Gregory Stuart, Executive Director
Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization
Speaker: All Aboard Florida


May 2014
“The Forum’s Annual Update on Fort Lauderdale Government”
City Manager Lee R. Feldman spoke about the progress Feldman and his team are making on those goals outlined in the Visioning Plan, his administration takes obvious pride in carefully and thoughtfully planning how our city will look, feel and flow today and in a quarter of a century from now.


April 2014
“South Florida Fiction”
The Forum’s Fifth Annual Local Fiction Authors’ Panel
Each year, the Forum highlights a few of our many talented local fiction authors in
Fort Lauderdale and the South Florida region.


March 2014
“Health Care Reform Hot Off the Press”
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) represents one of the most dramatic changes in the government’s involvement in healthcare. The Fort Lauderdale Forum is proud to provide you with a balanced discussion.


February 2014
“Looking Into The Fort Lauderdale Forum 2014 Crystal Ball”
Marketing, Financial, Real Estate, Employment & Medicade predictions for 2014


January 2014
“Should Financial Literacy in Florida be a Legislative Priority?”
When the financial collapse happened following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, 2008, the American public was deluged with new terms like mortgage-backed securities, subprime loans and credit default swaps. The financial crisis and recession also exposed behaviors that indicated low levels of financial literacy across the nation.




October 2013
“Is Big Brother Watching You?”
It seems fitting that 2014 will be the 30th anniversary of the date of George Orwell’s famous novel “1984”, as personal privacy from government may have disappeared.


September 2013
“Should marijuana be legalized for medical use?”
American public opinion and laws about marijuana use have been changing rapidly. Twenty states have already legalized marijuana for medical use and some, such as Colorado and Washington, have fully legalized it.


May 2013
“Fort Lauderdale 102”
The Forum’s Annual Update on Fort Lauderdale Government
Fort Lauderdale has has now completed the second year of our second century, and a lot of exciting things are happening.


April 2013
“South Florida Fiction”
The Forum’s Fourth Annual Local Fiction Authors’ Panel
Each year, the Forum highlights a few of our many talented local fiction authors in Fort Lauderdale and the South Florida region.


March 2013
“Fort Lauderdale Beach Update”
Fort Lauderdale’s central beach area will be soon undergoing over $70 million of City improvement projects, as well as a variety of private development plans, stretching from Sunrise Blvd to near Bahia Mar.


February 2013
Higher Education and “BIG IDEAS”
The Forum is honored to have the “Big Two” of local public higher education, President David Armstrong of Broward College and President Mary Jane Saunders of Florida Atlantic University.


January 2013
“Visioning Update”
The public input phase of Fort Lauderdale’s historic outreach and Visioning process has now been completed, culminating with the “Big Ideas” conference in October and the “Neighbor Summit” in November. Based on the input from the community, the City Manager and staff will draft a Vision Plan for review by the Commission in “early 2013”.




October 2012
“Election Discussion”


September 2012
“Political Update & Election Preview”
On November 6, elections will be held for President, U. S. Senate, and numerous state legislative and local races. The Forum’s “Dynamic Duo” of politics will return to discuss the races, election trends and, perhaps, make predictions.
Speakers: James G. Kane, Justin Sayfie


May 2012
“Fort Lauderdale 101”
The Forum’s Annual Update on Fort Lauderdale Government
Fort Lauderdale has finished the first year of our second century. The Centennial celebration is over. The Mayor and Commission have been re-elected. The “new” City Manager has now been on the job one year. How is the City doing? What are the current challenges? What is the vision for the future?
Speakers: Mayor Jack Seiler and City Manager Lee Feldman


April 2012
“Third Annual South Florida Fiction Authors’ Panel”
As in previous years, the panel will consist of local fiction authors, who will discuss such questions as: How did you become a fiction author; how do you come up with your characters and plots; how did you get published; what is the life of an author like; how has writing and publishing changed during your career, and how have you adjusted to it, etc.


March 2012
While “Spring Break” has become a phenomon that moves from place to place, it will always be associated with Fort Lauderdale, and vice versa.
Our March program will provide a retrospective of Spring Break in Fort Lauderdale, from its origins in the college “Swim Forum” beginning in 1935, to the opening of “Where the Boys Are” in 1960 and the crowds and “riots” of following years, to the 1985 “Spring Break that ate Fort Lauderdale”, and the subsequent actions taken to reduce the impact of the breakers and plan the revitalization of the beach for the future.
In addition to a panel of those involved at the time, there will be an opportunity for participants to tell a brief (1 minute) story of their connection with Spring Break.
As with our prior historical programs, the procedings will be video-recorded and presented to the Fort Lauderdale History Center.


February 2012
“Hot Topics: Casino Gambling And County/State Update”
Is casino gambling dead for this session, or will a bill be passed this year, or next year? Learn the “players” and their respective interests: casino companies, existing gaming and racing locations, the Indian casinos, etc., etc.
Update on Broward County issues, including the controversial redistricting, and report on the candidates’ “musical chairs” as a result of the new districts: who’s in, who’s out, and for what district are they running for now.


January 2012
Fort Lauderdale: From “VENICE” To “ATLANTIS”?
A recent study predicted that rising sea levels are likely to flood a small portion of Fort Lauderdale by 2040, and a much larger portion by 2075. The map below shows how a 3-foot rise in sea level could affect the City. Properties may be “under water” in more ways than financially.
Assistant City Manager Susanne Torriente discusses the City/Regional plans for “Climate Adaptation”.
Randall Vitale, Chairman of the Visiong Committee, provided an update on the Visioning process, which has completed the initial phases (four district open houses, individual interviews and compiling the community input), and (if known) the date when the Commission will discuss whether or not to contine the visioning process.




October 2011
“Fort Lauderdale Economic Update”
How are our local business faring in these difficult economic times? What does the future look like? What is the impact of government: good, bad or indifferent?
Stan Eichelbaum, President, Marketing Developments/Planning Developments, Inc.
Heiko Dobrikow, General Manager, Riverside Hotel
Doug Eagon, President, Stiles
Frank Herhold, Executive Director Emeritus, Marine Industries Association of South Florida
Ray M. Williams, Chairman of the Board, Valley Bank
Bob Swindell, President/CEO, The Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance
Ina Lee/President at Travelhost Magazine


September 2011
“Governmental And Political Update”
The Republican Party’s “Presidency 5” convention will start on September 22 with the straw ballot on September 24, and we will recieve a first-hand report.
Panelists: James G. Kane, Browardbeat.com and Justin Sayfie, Politico.com


June 2011
The Forum is honored to introduce our new City Manager, receive an update from our Mayor, and learn the plans for our Visioning process, which is now underway.
The Honorable Jack Seiler, Mayor of Fort Lauderdale
Lee Feldman, City Manager
Tim Smith, Chair of Visioning Committee
John Fernsler, Wallace, Roberts and Todd, Visioning Consultant


May 2011
The Forum’s Second Annual “Florida Fiction” Panel of Local Authors
Panelists: Steven M. Forman; Cherokee Paul McDonald; and Deborah Sharp


April 2011
“The Broward Blogosphere”
Panelists: Earl Maucker; Dan Christensen, Broward Bulldog; Buddy Nevins, BrowardBeat.com;
Brittany Wallman, County GovernmentReporter, The Sun-Sentinel


March 2011
Part III of the Forum’s Centennial Series:
“RESTORING THE SHINE: How city government, business leaders and citizens worked together to revitalize Fort Lauderdale in the 1980’s.”
Panelists: Robert A. Dressler, Mayor 1982-1986; Connie Hoffman, City Manager, 1980-90; E. Clay Shaw, Jr., Chair of the Blue Ribbon Citizens G.O.B. Committee (and Congressman and former Mayor); Carolyn Michaels, Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce


February 2011
FORT LAUDERDALE’S CENTENNIAL: “Preserving our Past and Greening our Future”
January 2011
2011 is Fort Lauderdale’s Centennial year. Our program will discuss plans for the Centennial Celebration and our fascinating history.



November 2010
“Election Analysis And Predictions”
Two long-time political observers will offer their opinions about the results of the recent elections, local state and national, and their predictions for the future.


October 2010
“The Elections: Issues And Candidates”


September 2010
“Fort Lauderdale: Mid-Term Update”
September marks the half-way point for the “new” City Commission, which was elected in March 2009. What has been accomplished? What hasn’t? What will the second half bring?




In addition, newly-elected County Commissioner Chip LaMarca spoke of his plans for the County and North Broward Hospital District Commissioner Joel Gustafson gave an update on the District’s reorganization discussions.


May 2010
JohnHart, formerBrowardCountyCommissionerandbusinessleader, willdiscuss”DIALOGUES IN DEMOCRACY”
Dialogues in Democracy are community based discussions leading to a national conversation regarding the critical challenges facing our democracy. In a sense, they are the Town Hall, Tavern and farmhouse gatherings of the 1770’s for today’s concerned and enlightened citizens to participate in civil discourse.


April 2010
“Fort Lauderdale Fiction – Local Authors, Places and Characters”
Local authors participate in our Forum Panel Discussion: What’s it like to be a successful local author? How did you come to this position in life? How do you get your plots and characters? What is your involvement with/impact on our community? Any words of wisdom?
Panelists: Christine Kling, author of the Seychelle Sullivan books. Jonathon King, author of the Max Freeman novels and The Styx, his new historical novel. Elaine Viets, author of the “Dead-End Job” series


March 2010
HealthCare”Reform”: WhathasCongressdone (ornotdone) forus?
It appears that an historic vote will take place this week in the U. S. House of Representatives on the large, complicated, costly and controversial healthcare “reform” bill.
Dr. David Hoskinson, Vice President of MEDNAX/Pediatrix Medical Group has put together a panel consisting of himself, Mel DiPietro, President of Resource Benefits, Inc. and Charlotte Mather, Vice President, Governmental Relations and Public Affairs for Broward Health to discuss the impact of passage or non-passsage of the bill currently and in the future.


February 2010
“Un-Fun Fort Lauderdale”
At the January meeting, “Fun Fort Lauderdale”, it was announced that this program would be about some “un-fun” issues facing the City.


The status of Scott Rothstein-related investigations regarding the Police Chief and FLPD officer(s).
The status of the tenure of the City Manager.


FortLauderdale’s Budget: How Bad Will It Be?


City Auditor John Herbst and Keith Cobb, Chairman a of the Budget Advisory Board will discuss the City’s financial projections and process for dealing with the estimated revenue shortfall.


January 2010
“Fort Lauderdale Fun”
January marks the beginning of an exciting season of major events in Fort Lauderdale. Our speakers fill you in what’s happening with the events and their importance to our economy.


Super Bowl & Pro Bowl – John Webb, Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau
St. Patrick’s Day – Chris Wren, Chairman
AirLauderdale – Stan Smith, AirLauderdale
Fleet Week – Joe Milsaps, Chairman, Broward Navy Days, Inc.




November 2009
“A Renewed Vision for Fort Lauderdale?”
On November 17, the City Commission will discuss a new “Visioning” process for our City. How will it be done, and when? Who will be involved? What will it take to be successful?
We’ll find out and discuss it.
Mayor Seiler has agreed to report on the Commission’s discussions/decisions.
The remainder of the program open for will be general discussion.


October 2009
“Fort Lauderdale’s Downtown and Urban Core: What’s Happening?”
Panel Discussion


The Hon. Romney Rogers – Fort Lauderdale City Commission
Charles Ladd – Chair, Downtown Development Authority
Pamela Adams – Chair, Urban Core Committee of Broward Workshop
Michael Ferber – Chair, Northwest-Progresso-Flagler Heights Redevelopment Board
Ron Centamore – Chair, Downtown Fort Lauderdale Civic Assn.


September 2009
“Fort Lauderdale’s Police and Fire Pension Plan: Is There a Better Way?”
Police and Fire pensions are a major cost to the City, but are a vital part on our competitiveness in hiring and retaining public safety professionals. Can we find a better way to do this?
This panel will consist of Commissioner (and former Police Chief) Bruce Roberts, FOP President Jack Lokeinsky, former City Manager George Hanbury (currently VP/COO of Nova Southeastern University) and Robert D. Klausner, Esq. (attorney specializing in public employee pension funds).


May 2009
“Fort Lauderdale’s Economy: What Can We Do Now?”
A panel of business leaders discussed what we can do (or start) now to protect and expand our City’s economic and employment base during this challenging economic environment.


April 2009
“Meet the New Mayor” (#6). Fort Lauderdale’s new Mayor, John P. “Jack” Seiler, discussed the City’s budget and other challenges facing the new Commission


March 2009
“Visioning Fort Lauderdale’s Future” (#5).
A discussion of “Visioning” proposals to involve the community in creating a new Vision for Fort Lauderdale’s future.


February 2009
“Fort Lauderdale: A New Direction?” (#4). “The Finalists”
Debates between the Candidates in runoff elections Districts 1,3,&4.


January 2009
“Fort Lauderdale: A New Direction?” (#3). “Meet the Candidates.”
All Mayoral and Commission Candidates are invited to speak.




December 2008
“Fort Lauderdale: A New Direction?” “What’s Good, What’s Bad, and What Should the New Mayor and Commissioners Do?” (#2).
The panel consists of a diverse group of community leaders: Doug Eagon, Genia Ellis, Betty Shelley, Ted Fling and Sheryl Dickie.


November 2008
“Fort Lauderdale: A New Direction?” “What’s Good, What’s Bad, and What Should the New Mayor and Commissioners Do?” (#1).
Fort Lauderdale will enter a new era with the departure of Mayor Naugle and the possibility of an entirely new City Commission. The Panel consists of four former City Commissioners who have represented each of the districts in the City: John Aurelius, Tim Smith, Carlton Moore and Jack Latona, and Special Guest Connie Hoffmann, Former City Manager.


October 2008
“Presidential Debate”
Two local office-holders who are important members of their candidates’ campaigns debate which candidate will be better for our Country. Speakers: For Senator McCain is The Hon. Ellyn Bogdanoff, State Representative; For Senator Obama is The Hon. Stacy Ritter, Vice-Mayor Broward County Commission.


September 2008
“A Survey of the Current Political Scene”
Speaker: Michael Putney, Host of Channel 10’s “This Week in South Florida” and political columnist for The Miami Herald.


May 2008
“2008 Legislative Report: What the Florida Legislature Did (and Didn’t) Do”
Representatives Jack Seiler and Ellyn Bogdanoff gave a report on the recent legislative session. In summary, the session was dominated by the budget, with spending cuts necessitated by a shortfall in state revenues.


April 2008
“Is Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Over?”
What’s happening with our local economy? Michael Cannon, Real Estate Analyst, Cyril Spiro, Regents Bank and Peter Feldman, Developer, gave an update on the state of Fort Lauderdale’s real estate economy and related matters. The general consensus was that Ft. Lauderdale and South Florida have a history of “boom and bust”, and we have had a “boom” in housing prices and are now having a “value adjustment”, which may be worse than usual.


March 2008
“E. Clay Shaw, Jr.”
Clay, our Congressman for over 25 years discussed his experiences in Washington including his role in the historic welfare reform. (Shortly after the meeting, Congressman Shaw was recognized as a “Great Floridian” by the State of Florida.)


February 2008
“Who should get Florida’s Democratic Delegates, Sen. Clinton, Sen. Obama (or both or neither)?”
Stacy Ritter (Vice Mayor of Broward County) for Sen. Obama and Linda Bird (Democratic activist) for Sen. Clinton gave a spirited presentation as to why their candidate should get Florida’s delegates. (The issue was resolved by the DNC only recently, but the controversy is still on-going.)


January 2008
“Should Broward County have an Elected Mayor?”
George Morgan, Jr., President of the Broward Workshop spoke in favor of the proposal for separately-elected Mayor of Broward County. Dr. George L. Hanbury, Ex. VP/COO of Nova Southeastern University and former City Manager of City of Fort Lauderdale and several other cities discussed the many different forms of Mayor/Commission Governments he had served under in his career. (The County Efficiency Study Committee at one point approved a change, but reversed themselves under strong pressure from County Commissioners and the issue will not be on the ballot).




November 2007
“Property Tax Relief: What the Legislature did and didn’t do. What comes next?”
State Rep. Jack Seiler discussed fate of the previous tax Amendment (which he had opposed), and said that the Legislature would probably try again, but also that the Budget and Tax Commission could propose Amendments for the ballot, and various proposed Amendments will be on the November 2008 Ballot.


October 2007
“Killing the Property Tax Reform Amendment: What Comes Next?”
Mayor Eric Hersh and his attorney Jamie Cole discussed their reasons for filing suit to oppose the First Property Tax “Reform” Amendment. The Court subsequently ruled in their favor and halted the proposed Amendment for being “misleading”.